Waiting on the Threshold

My daughter Gabriela and my son-in-law Anthony are visiting me for Christmas. I was excited to have the chance to spend Christmas Day with them and perhaps to revive some of the traditions we had when she was a little girl. Then it hit me; I have to get ready! I didn’t really decorate this year, so I started getting to work on making my home ready for her visit, including planning our meal. All the things have been done and now all I have to do is wait for her to come.
This Advent we are talking about the getting ready for company. We took a look at the mess we have around us and then gathered a cleaning crew to get to work. Then we decorated just like I did in anticipation for company. Now that tree has been decorated and the lights hung, we are ready for company.
Join me this Sunday at 11am as I continue our “Company’s Coming” worship series with “Waiting on the Threshold”. What is our response when God says “I am coming home?”
Join us for a virtual FACEBOOK or YOUTUBE live service this Sunday at 11am.